About Us

Qualified Legal Attorney

Wade Sparks is licensed in the state of Texas with vast experience handling criminal defense and serious injuries.

Communication is Key

I communicate directly with my clients. You won’t talk to a secretary or a paralegal. You’ll talk to me. 

Why Me?

See what client’s say about me. Unlike most attorneys I truly care about my clients and I fight hard for them. Read my reviews or click on testimonials to see a few.

About Us

Why I do what I do

It’s pretty simple really… Life is a gift, and what we do with that gift matters. For me, it’s all about doing the best I can at the role I’m in. I love my job, and I care about my clients. Our justice system is a crazy place. I feel like it’s my duty to help clients fight their way through it. 


Read my reviews and see what clients say about me. 

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